Ukip – the filthy dregs of society

by Rick Johansen

I arrive home from an afternoon out to find two leaflets have been delivered on behalf of the UK Independence Party. Two hugely unwanted leaflets.

Let us be clear about one thing: Ukip is filling the void left by the National Front and the BNP. They are the filthy, dirty right wing dregs of society.

If Ukip had existed in the early 1900s, I would not be here at all (no bad thing I hear you say). My Norwegian grandfather, an economic migrant who worked until he was well into his seventies, would never have been allowed into the country under the likes of Farage and neither would my Dutch mother, who came to Britain in the 1950s, always worked hard and never claimed a penny in benefits. The racists, bigots and xenophobes of Ukip would have opposed their entry into the UK.

Extreme right parties like Ukip always come to the fore in difficult times, offering so-called easy solutions to difficult problems. They represent the politics of fear and the politics of hate. They pretend to be anti-establishment but in reality they are the establishment they despise.

Ukip are liars too. Local Ukip parliamentary and council candidates Louis Crawley, Maurice Dangerfield and Ben Walker repeat the dirty black Tory lie – lie, remember that word – that Labour left this country in a mess. That makes them liars too. They lie about so called “health tourism”, implying that there is a vast community of foreigners whose raison d’être (sorry to use a French term, Ukippers) is to merely want to come here and use our NHS. There isn’t. They want to put ex service personnel at the top of every council waiting list (why?) and employ them as civil servants or police officers. And they want to slash “foreign aid spending”, presumably to allow the desperate people of Nepal to die under the rubble of a terrible earthquake and forget all about the Gurkhas who fought and died for this country. Nice.

At the foot of the one of the leaflets, the question is “need help?” Well, yes, the angry bigots of the political right need help as soon as possible. They offer hate not hope, they offer no solutions and they are of no more use to our society than any number of the 57 varieties of fascism that have crashed and burned in this country since Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists supported Hitler.

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Cllr Ben Walker May 4, 2015 - 18:34

I have never heard so much far left drivel in my life.

Firstly, there is only one UKIP parliamentary candidate for the seat of Filton & Bradley Stoke; the others to which you refer are council candidates. A fundamental error in your claptrap, coupled with the rest of your lefftie lies.

I would be more than happy to meet with you to set the record straight and hopefully halt the lefftie brainwashing you seem to have endured and return your thinking to a level of common sense adopted by most people not blinded like yourself.

john beacham May 4, 2015 - 20:25

the country getting bigger with less houses and less hospital beds if they chuck the people out that don’t meat point base system it will take preasure off all services in uk the labour party sign pfi deal for hospital building to go in to private hands and conservitve party have carry on with cuts injured service people who come home cant use nhs as waiting list is so long

John Malyckyj May 4, 2015 - 20:31

Well said Rick!

John Malyckyj (Ukrainian Father, English Mother)

The net economic worth of the Malyckyj family far outweighs the modest amount of support Dad received as a refugee in 1947.Like you I wouldn’t be here if UKIP’S policies had applied in that time, of course I am of those unwelcome Eastern European types…..

mark May 8, 2015 - 17:22

mr walker, apart from your CONTROLLED immigration which i agree with and the eec policy, can you tell me some more of your ukip policies ?, those are the only 2 ive heard

Jools Pirog May 8, 2015 - 18:32

What upset me today yet didn’t shock me was that over 7,000 people voted UKIP in Kingswood. Chris Skidmore, the Tory incumbent, more than doubled his majority due to this.
Yes, vote UKIP and get Tory.
I have been very low because of this. It goes back to when the then so called gang of 4, formed the SDP. They then went onto infiltrate the Liberal party and the Liberal democrats came into being.
One thing never changed. The Conservatives have remained the same and even with their various infighting, they never truly fragmented.
It’s a crying shame that people either don’t want to see it or see it but don’t care. We actually had a high percentage vote but we have the same Conservative party in power but with a true mandate and they have managed to kill off the Lib Dems in the process. I can’t help but to feel some karmic pay off here. He who sups with Devil and all that.
I just feel very raw and I despair that we have the same uncaring swines in power and we best get ready to see some heartless policies take shape.
UKIP just fragmented the anti Tory vote but gained nothing in the process.
What a crazy country this really is.

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