So, what are you, then? Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers?
Gen Z | 1997 – 2012 | 12 – 27 |
Millennials | 1981 – 1996 | 28 – 43 |
Gen X | 1965 – 1980 | 44 – 59 |
Boomers II (a/k/a Generation Jones)* | 1955 – 1964 | 60 – 69 |
If you are Gen Z, the Daily Mail hates you. And why does it hate you?
Yes, the answer is because you prefer ‘woke’ sandwich fillings, that’s why.
Hardly anyone buys an actual newspaper these days and frankly no one under the age of 70 would be seen dead with a copy of the Daily Mail. But what the fuck do they mean about woke sandwich fillings? Here’s what it says:
“Gen Z Brits are turning their backs on British sandwich classics like ham and mustard and cheese and onion in favour of ‘fancy’ fillings like avocado, olives and continental cheese.”
‘Woke’ becomes ‘fancy’ for some reason but I am not sure how either word is really appropriate? Let’s take ‘woke’ for the upteenth time. It literally stands for being aware , especially of social problems such as racism and inequality. ‘Fancy’ means decorative or complicated. I am struggling to understand how the consumption of avocado, olives and continental cheese makes anyone more aware of social problems, nor do I find them decorative or complicated. When I was a lad, I never came across avocado, olives and continental cheese In the case of the first two, I would have never heard of them and if I had they were probably posh people’s foods. I’ll tell you what is really happening: people are discovering different and new foods and they like them.
Now, I’m a Boomer, whatever that means, and I have to confess that I like my sandwiches the way I liked them when I was growing up, which is to say simple, like cheese and onion, the God of all sarnies (and even better in a cob), and I prefer my avocados and olives as part of a meal, not in a sarnie. But really, it’s no big deal. In fact, it’s not even a small one.
In its usual way, the Mail is trying to stoke up the culture wars. It knows what its readers like and even more so what they dislike, which is anything new, anyone young and anyone who falls under their meaning of woke. If you are against racism and inequality AND you like avocados, olives and continental cheeses, you are not one of us. You’re fucked, basically.
For once, I shall share the relevant link to the Mail just to illustrate how awful it is. All the hack has done is to see a survey carried out by the baking giant Allinsons and turned it into a half-arsed story and the copy editor has thrown the word woke into the headline, just to remind us that the world is going to hell in a handcart.
Woke sandwich fillings, fucking hell, the absolute state of it. There’s no “war”, people who eat sandwiches can be woke – I eat sandwiches and I am very woke – but more than anything else, this is just a trend, just like people watching colour tellies instead of black and white ones and people using their computers and phones instead of buying hate-filled newspapers.
Finally, if you needed reminding, and I hope you don’t, I’ll say it yet again: the Mail hates you in one way or other. It is not your friend, ever. Now where’s my avocados?