Another bukkake party for Farage?

by Rick Johansen

Another day, another milk shake attack on the nicotine-stained man frog Nigel Farage, once again leaving him looking like he’s just left a bukkake party. In all seriousness – and I know it’s hard to take it seriously when such an odious toad as Farage gets a soaking – it’s wrong and we should all say so. I like what Tom Hamilton says on X:

There are many reasons why people shouldn’t throw milkshakes over Nigel Farage, and one of the biggest is that it makes everyone think they have to say “I don’t agree with Nigel Farage, but people shouldn’t throw milkshakes over him“.

And this is true. Ever since it happened, I’ve been laughing about it and, right at the back of my mind, I’m thinking, “Well, I shouldn’t be laughing about this.” Would I be laughing had it happened to Keir Starmer? No way.  What about Rishi Sunak? Shit – are you asking me to be honest?

I don’t agree with the elite privately educated futures trader and all round figure of the establishment on almost anything. By leading the campaign that led to Brexit, Farage has fucked this country in a way no one has been able to do in living memory. We all know now that there are no benefits to Brexit and even those who voted to leave Europe because they wanted to stop Johnny Foreigner coming over here have been disappointed to see a massive rise in immigration. Now, all Farage has got left to offer is hatred.

Today, Farage arrived in Clacton, a place where one third of children are living in poverty. People are struggling there, as elsewhere, to get on the housing ladder and for many rents are unaffordable. The people there feel abandoned, despite voting overwhelmingly in 2019 for the Conservatives who for nine years abandoned them. Now they are being asked to support a man who thinks that the Tories just weren’t right wing enough, which is just another way of saying they didn’t fuck over Clacton enough.

Farage has calculated that because it has an elderly demographic, Clacton voters are more likely to choose a reactionary character to represent their views. The country, you see, has become woke, too PC, full of snowflakes and only a millionaire establishment figure whose small state, low tax policies would further obliterate the already underfunded public services on which local people desperately rely. In short, he wants the good people of Clacton to vote against their best interests in order to further his own narrow ambitions. You cannot deny the man’s communication skills but by the same token it is hard not to draw the conclusion he must think that the people whose vote he craves are fools.

He doesn’t seek to make people’s lives better, he seeks to destroy. There is little beyond his anti-immigrant rhetoric, certainly nothing by way of how to make the lives of people better.

Unfortunately, the cynicism and disillusionment people feel with politics only makes him stronger. The false Man of the People image he has created, the little man standing up against the establishment. Just bollocks. Like all the men who surround him, he is part of the elite, those who want to rule over us. He says he “tells it like it is”, a slogan which is highly popular with many, until they come to understand that actually it’s just noise. He tells it like it is in the way right wing dictators always tell it. In simplistic slogans to be devoured quickly and easily, simple thought-free, easy to remember rhetoric, none of which would ever stand up to scrutiny, but then again Farage never likes scrutiny. He gets tetchy if challenged because there’s nothing to challenge him on. There’s no depth, no substance.

People should not throw milk shakes at Farage because although he’s a total cunt he is still a participant in an election. While it is hard to respect him in any other context, the democracy we cling to should be respected. And I really didn’t want to say that while I don’t agree with Nigel Farage, but people shouldn’t throw milkshakes over him.


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