Rich people

by Rick Johansen

More Corbyn:

I’ll take his word for it. I’ve no reason to believe he’s wrong. Do I like the idea that some people have more money than they know what to do with when millions have nothing or next to nothing? No, not really. So, what do I dislike about Corbyn’s words?

Presumably the millionaires with whom Corbyn surrounds himself, including Seumas Milne, the aristocratic Andrew Drummond-Murray and Momentum owner Jon Lansman are good rich people. Their money can be measured in millions, not billions. Big difference, right? I’m not sure about that.

Milne and Murray are communists. Milne was born into money – his father was director general of the BBC – and he attended posher than posh Winchester College and Cambridge University. Murray went to a private boarding school in Sussex. Lansman went to Highgate, a private school and then to Cambridge. Of course he did. Nothing is too good for Corbyn’s posh comrades. After all, Magic Grandpa himself came from an upper middle class family and attended Castle House Preparatory School, one of the most elite schools in the land. “In a fair society there would be no billionaires and no one would live in poverty”, eh, Jezza?

This is the issue I have with Corbyn’s class politics, the ‘us and them’ agenda he constantly tells us about. Yet both he and the people who surround him are from the very elite he purports to oppose.

I am uncomfortable with people being billionaires, but what if they work very hard and succeed in life, creating lots of jobs and paying all their taxes, rather than avoiding and evading them? Do we offer exemptions to the self-made and just go after those who came from money, like Corbyn, Milne and Murray?

Labour under Tony Blair represented the aspirational. New Labour understood that people wanted to get on in life, they wanted so succeed in work, own a home and be as well off as their hard work and skills enabled them to be. Corbyn’s utterances smack of jealousy and of kicking the ladder away from the generation that followed his.

It goes without saying that I despise the Tory party, especially one led by a serial liar such as Boris Johnson. Labour should be better but in reality it’s merely less worse. It’s leaders have as little idea how the other half live than Johnson, Farage and all the hucksters who have hijacked our democracy.

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