Faith no more

by Rick Johansen

My loyal reader will well know that I hold no truck with any religion. Some are worse than others but all in all, I don’t do God. Not all people who do God are bad people, far from it. Many live by their religious principles, including our current prime minister. Theresa May’s association with christianity does her God no favours at all.

I suppose most of us associate christians as people who, generally, do good things. They live by christian values. I take that to mean treating people well, telling the truth and doing good things. Mrs May’s christian values appear to revolve around spreading hate, being a rank hypocrite and telling lies.

It was Mrs May who sent the vans around London which said “Fuck off all migrants, now” (I am not sure these are the exact words, but you get the drift) and there is much, much more not to like about her kind of religion. Here are some examples:

– Supported hunting with dogs (and hunting anything else by the looks of it)
– Opposed laws which promote equality and human rights
– Opposed terminally ill people to be given assistance to end their life
– Voted for the Iraq war
– Supported the bedroom tax
– Opposed paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability
– Against raising welfare benefits at least in line with prices
– Voted to triple university tuition fees
– Supported mass surveillance of people’s communications and activities
– Opposed measures to prevent climate change
– Opposed Labour’s anti-terrorism laws
– Supported restricting the scope of legal aid
– Supported ‘Remain’ in the EU referendum but now supports the hardest imaginable Brexit
– Said she would not call an election until she did

There’s more, much more of that kind of stuff, some relatively trivial but some deadly serious. I am not an expert on the bible so for all I know there may be some stuff about fox-hunting for a laugh and what a good idea it is and perhaps God wants people without legs to stand on their own two feet. But to my old-fashioned mind, her political track record is not the sort of thing that I would associate with a vicar’s daughter.

I am not sure how Mrs May squares her seriously unpleasant brand of politics with her christian values, unless those values emanated from the Old Testament, in which case they are entirely consistent. Perhaps she thinks that the God who drowned everyone on earth, except for Noah and his animals, or created famines, floods and disasters reflects the type of country she wishes to visit upon us?

And what does one make of the fact that Mrs May has employed the services of ‘Sir’ Lynton Crosby who ran the last Tory election campaign and, more disgracefully, the filthy, racist London mayoral campaign for Zac Goldsmith. How would anyone of faith put Crosby at the head of their campaign?

I don’t know who comes out of this worse: May or God. I do know that my genuine God-fearing friends – yes, I still have some – don’t carry round as much hate as the PM seems to do. In fact, all the ones I know have nothing but love to offer.

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